Energy Flow in the Salon…a recipe for calmer dogs and easier grooms
Everything is and has energy. When we lack energy, we feel low, things are slow, we don’t feel on top of our game. Now think of your salon (or wherever you groom) as an energy system. This means all the furnishings, sounds and smells, the equipment you use, you, and the dogs you work with and the humans that are dropping of the dogs. Everything within it has energy and all the parts make a whole.
Dogs are feeling beings and they feel our energy. How many times have we said or heard people say, ‘the dog is picking up on me?’ For dogs to be in balance are calm their energy needs to flow.
When a dog is at a groomers’ every process puts in additional energy (they already have life force energy and the energy from whatever else has happened before they come to us). Dogs express and ground their energy to keep their energy flowing. This then can make things difficult for both the dog and us as groomers because when the dog is on the table it is limited in the ways it can ground and express their energy. The result is often a dog that is unsettled and awkward or difficult to groom. This can then cause stress, agitation and frustration for us and a whole host of other emotions, which are in turn is passed on to the dog and the situation builds.
With Energy Flow in the Salon we look at every aspect of your salon (you, your equipment, the techniques you are using, your environment).
Benefits include:
- Knowledge of handling techniques that support energy flow
- A toolbox of alternative techniques that make it easier for the dog in terms of energy flow
- A greater connection to the dogs you groom
- Less pain for us as groomers
- Ways to help you manage the emotions caused by your more challenging clients (both dog and human)
- A working environment that supports energy flow
All these parts add up to creating an energetic environment that supports the energy flow in the dogs you work with to enable calmer dogs and easier grooms.
Everything is backed up with science and has been tried and tested with salon dogs.
Introductory Course
The introduction is just that. We cover we will cover:
- How I found out about energy flow and what it has done for my dogs
- What energy is and different types of energy inputs
- What happens when energy can’t flow
- How we can reduce energy build ups
- Our mindset and how we electromagnetically communicate with the environment
- A technique to balance ourselves
- Salon case studies and the benefits of using energy flow
A 1 hour pre-recorded download. To purchase click here
Canine Flow Spiral Massage Technique Workshop
The benefits:
- Spirals- release trauma and trapped cellular memories and have the potential to transform
- An opportunity to observe our dogs.
- We open up the protentional for change by releasing disharmony.
- As we do spirals our dogs will often release.
- We are putting in the vibrational frequency of love to help restore balance.
- Spirals can be done at whilst grooming and can calm and relax dogs.
What to expect:
- We will start with a heart coherence technique (guided meditation and breathing) which helps to clear our mind and balance our systems
- We look at the significance of spirals in nature
- Case studies
- How to perform the technique, what to look for and what to expect.
- Time to practice and feedback
All participants receive a certificate of participation via email.
1.5 hours hour Via Zoom. Next date Wednesday 5th June 2024 at 5.30-7.00pm (BST). It will be recorded.
Places are limited to a maximum of 3.
Full Course
What is Energy Flow?
- Types of energy that our dogs are exposed to and how they can affect behaviour (including body language)
- Canine Flow and techniques that a Canine Flow Practitioner would use
- Why and how using the principles of Canine Flow can help in the salon
- A journey through the salon – including energy build ups and bursts, heart energy and communication
- Using heart energy for our well-being and to improve our interactions with clients and lower stress and irritations that are passed onto the dog
- Why we need to have clean and tidy grooming areas from and energy perspective
Grooming Techniques
- Proprioception and the use of grooming aids…how, when and what and why?
- Energy Flow through the spine for dogs and groomers
- Energy points in a dog (areas that we can use to calm and a dog and areas that are often sensitive
- Bathing techniques
- Drying techniques
- Clipping
- Scissoring
- Products
- Nails
Dogs that require more support
- Counter conditioning and desensitisation
- Distractions to help ground energy and release endorphins
- Meditation
- Canine Flow Spirals (why)
- Professional Canine Hypnotherapy
This is the full course and is held over 6 x 1 hour sessions held over the course of 12 weeks starting Wednesday 11th October 2023. It will take place via Zoom and will be recorded. Handouts will be provided. There will be a private Facebook support group and weekly ‘Ask me anything?’ sessions. A certificate of completion and handouts will be forwarded via email. Spaces are limited to a maximum number of 5.
Session Dates:
Wednesday 11th October @19:30 BST
Friday 20th October @16:00 BST
Wednesday 25th October @19:30 BST
Wednesday 8th November @19:30 GMT
Friday 17th November @16:00 GMT
Wednesday 22th November @19:30 GMT
Book your place here or contact me for a direct payment plan.
“A teacher who establishes rapport with the taught, becomes one with them, and learns more from them than he teaches them”
— Mahatma Gandi

To book your place email